The Beginner’s Guide to Azure Security

Microsoft Azure is an integrated set of cloud services that allow companies to develop and deploy web applications at scale. Approximately 95% of Fortune 500 companies use Azure because of its power, reliability, and flexibility. Built on top of Microsoft’s world-class infrastructure and software, Azure supports virtually every language, many open-source technologies, and meets more… (more) The Beginner’s Guide to Azure Security

The 5 Best Endpoint Security Tools and How to Decide

2020 has seen a surge of businesses, schools, and municipalities transitioning to remote work as the norm. As these organizations spread endpoints far and wide, connecting to a wider range of unprotected networks, they open themselves up to cyberattacks. According to Accenture, there’s been a 67% increase in security breaches over the past five years.… (more) The 5 Best Endpoint Security Tools and How to Decide

The 5 Best Construction Management Tools

There are many excellent construction management software tools out in the market right now. The best ones will come with a well suited ERP software that provides financial accounting and operational modules designed with construction management contractors in mind. Construction management software is usually a combination of applications that help contractors, engineers, project managers, and… (more) The 5 Best Construction Management Tools

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira