Put an end to your document access control headaches

Nira is a Data Access Governance platform that protects cloud files from unauthorized access.

What risks have people discovered and fixed with Nira?

Identified nearly a thousand confidential company documents owned by the CEO’s personal gmail account.
Found and removed hundreds of current and former employees with access to tens of thousands of company documents via their personal accounts.
Identified thousands of confidential documents with public links owned by the customer’s clients.
Found over 1 million documents in violation of the company’s data retention policy.
Risk of a phishing attack where customer wire transfer instructions were in a document with a public link owned by a vendor.
Discovered that the most highly confidential internal strategy document the company had was shared with multiple unauthorized external accounts.
A potential lawsuit just waiting to happen where an employee used their personal gmail account to share fifty thousand documents from previous employers with company accounts.
A Customer Success employee discovered customer data shared with the wrong external parties, remediated the issue, and helped the rest of the team review access on items they owned.
Identified an external consultant from a large accounting firm with access to tens of thousands of confidential financial documents from their personal gmail account.
Found that over 40% of documents, including confidential documents, were accessible by anyone in the company.

What are customers saying about Nira?

The time to value we got from Nira was surprising considering the comprehensiveness of the platform.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab
I've gotten more done with Nira in two months than I would've gotten out of hiring an entire person for a year.
Scott Murray
Scott Murray,
Director of IT and Security at Ad Hoc
Nira lets me step in before an incident happens rather than be reactionary.
Ryan Sims
Ryan Sims,
Director of IT at SnapCare
I once spent almost eight hours trying to fix an issue that would have immediately worked with Nira.
Aaron Zander
Aaron Zander,
Head of IT and Workplaces at HackerOne
Being able to take actionable moves to decrease and close security gaps, or shut them down altogether, is what separates Nira from any other player in this industry right now.
Dan Cody
Dan Cody,
VP of IT Infrastructure and Operations at SurveyMonkey
With Nira, we were able to resolve security gaps immediately.
Anushka Sharma
Anushka Sharma,
Information Security Manager at ProducePay
Nira made document security investigations four times more productive and successful.
Colin McCarthy
Colin McCarthy,
Google Workspace and Productivity Tools Lead at EssenceMediacom
With Nira, we clicked a button, and the automation was set up. Any time we need it, it’s there, carrying out automation tasks in the background.
Ricky Dunn
Ricky Dunn,
IT Manager at findhelp
Nira is one tool we can provide for employees so they can take ownership of their data security.
Victor Nee
Victor Nee,
Director of IT at StreamSets
A huge asset was Nira’s time to implementation. Other solutions took 30 to 90 days depending on the features we asked for. With Nira, the ability to sign in, review risk, and remediate access issues immediately was phenomenal.
Micah Granger
Micah Granger,
IT Manager at Mixbook
In one quarter, we’ve saved weeks of time with Nira which adds up to quite a lot of money.
Russell K
Russell K,
Senior Information Security Engineer at RapidSOS

Incredible companies use Nira

What capabilities does Nira have?

Access visibility and control

Get the entire picture of who has access to what and remediate access in just a few clicks.

Before Nira After Nira
Limited visibility into granular access permissions and risks by app. Complete visibility into who has access to what across apps.
External and internal sharing sprawl remains unchecked and continues to grow. Unnecessary permissions risk is remediated automatically.
Time consuming, painfully manual efforts to manage access and change permissions. No tedious scripting, no clunky pagination. Permission changes in just a few clicks.
Jumping between different app admin consoles, scripting, and third-party tools. One platform for seeing and controlling exactly who has access to what across tools.
Firehose of alerts, many of which are false positives. Contextual alerts aligned with company policies.
Fear-mongering reports and dashboards lacking context or detail. Instant drill downs to see item-level, real-time details for any report.
Security and compliance policies that are impossible to enforce. Automated enforcement of highly configurable security policies.
Taking remediation actions on more than a few items is a herculean effort. Seamless bulk actions on as many items as needed, in just a few clicks.
Specialized knowledge required to wrangle APIs and navigate admin consoles. Easy to use interface that anyone can understand in just a few seconds.
Limited visibility and control over shared drive access. Full visibility and control over each shared drive and every document in it.
Stale and old document pile up in without any clean up. Automatically stop sharing on stale and old documents.

Employee delegation

Empower employees to be a part of the security solution, while educating them along the way.

Before Nira After Nira
Employees have zero visibility into sharing risks like unnecessary external sharing. Each employee has the ability to view who has access to documents they created.
Sharing misconfigurations made constantly due to a lack of employee education. Employees understand how and when they are oversharing, and change their behavior.
Tedious, manual, and time-consuming employee remediations. Bulk remediation in seconds on as many items as an employee wants to change.
Manual auditing of permission changes that employees make. Full immutable audit log of all employee changes available to administrators.
Frequent help desk requests from employees, requiring hours of admin work. Self-serviceable employee portal, faster ticket resolution times, happier employees.
No way to target employee remediation of specific access issues. Remediation requests are automatically sent to employees based on company policies.
Access audits are tedious, covering only select accounts and data. Seamless, comprehensive access audits completed by every employee in record time.

Complete offboarding

Stop leaving offboarding access gaps unchecked and sleep better at night as a result.

Before Nira After Nira
Offboarding that might check the boxes, but doesn’t fully address data loss risk. Significantly reduced attack surface at the time of employee departure.
In the dark about risk from former employee personal accounts. Visibility and control over all personal accounts with access.
Standard offboarding processes and tools don’t scrub personal account access. Personal account access is easily assessed and remediated as part of offboarding.
Manual (and painful) scripting required to remove access, transfer documents, etc. Complete access cleanup during offboarding in just a few seconds.
Managers inherit external access, which is never removed. Unnecessary external access is remediated before documents are transferred.
All or nothing transfer of ownership to managers. Quick visibility into all ex-employee owned items, with selective transfers.
Investigations into abnormal behavior are time consuming and incomplete. Thorough investigations performed in a matter of minutes.

Comprehensive access reviews

Transform the time-consuming access review processes into a comprehensive, automated access review program.

Before Nira After Nira
Tedious, time-consuming evidence collection for internal and external auditors. Automated access reviews with seamless employee workflows and evidence collection.
Access reviews powered by spreadsheets and screenshots. 25x faster access reviews with an immutable record of auditor-ready results.
Incomplete, limited sample set for reviews. Thorough access reviews covering every single item and affected employee.
Constantly nagging people to see if they’ve completed their reviews. Follow-up reminders automatically sent to all reviewers who haven’t completed the audit.
Remediation requests pile up when employees can’t make changes themselves. Simple self-service employee security portal for remediation.

Data retention and compliance

Configure data retention policies to meet legal and compliance requirements. Search, retain, and dispose of data with confidence.

Before Nira After Nira
Manual and error-prone application of retention policies. Automated enforcement of granular data retention policies.
No visibility into items exempt from retention policies. Full audit trail of retention policy exceptions and exclusions.
Organization-wide blanket policies unable to address nuanced needs. Configurable retention rules tailored for each business unit.
Stale, obsolete data accumulates indefinitely. Regular sweeps to clean up stale documents.

Security investigations and auditing

Conduct security investigations and audits with comprehensive activity logs and alerts.

Before Nira After Nira
Piecemeal logs make investigations tedious and incomplete. Comprehensive activity logs speed up investigations.
Limited snapshots to reconstruct timelines. Detailed historical snapshots for any point in time.
Manual data exports are time consuming. On-demand data exports for audits and investigations.
Basic rules-based automations. Sophisticated automations tailored for security workflows.
Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira