Best IoT Security Solutions

Internet of Things (IoT) solutions have revolutionized today’s workplace. These devices offer predominantly positive ROI for organizations, from location tracking and remote asset monitoring to process automation and asset performance optimization. These devices also serve just about every market, including commercial, industrial, and consumer applications. And IoT adoption is only expected to rise in the… (more) Best IoT Security Solutions

Best Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP)

Every organization is vulnerable to a cyber breach. Managed security service providers (MSSPs) offer a wide range of security solutions to strengthen and support IT security for midsize and enterprise organizations.  Any company can outsource its security needs to an MSSP. These providers offer services like security monitoring, compliance reporting, patching, threat intelligence, vulnerability management,… (more) Best Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP)

CASB Security Vendors: The Ultimate Manual

All cloud-based infrastructures need robust cloud access security broker (CASB) solutions. CASB security vendors provide organizations with data security, application security, and integrity throughout the cloud. This in-depth guide explains everything you need to know about CASB security vendors, how they work, and how to get started with them. What is a CASB Security Vendor… (more) CASB Security Vendors: The Ultimate Manual

Cyber Security Training for Employees: The Ultimate Manual

Most people associate cybersecurity threats with brute force attacks by faceless hackers. But, according to a Cybint report, 95% of successful cybersecurity breaches can be attributed to human error. Therefore, cybersecurity training for employees is indispensable for changing user behavior and minimizing potential vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. What Is Cybersecurity Training Anyway? Employees that… (more) Cyber Security Training for Employees: The Ultimate Manual

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira