The Ultimate Manual for Cybersecurity in the Workplace

Deploying cybersecurity defense measures in your business or organization greatly increases your chances of avoiding digital attacks and loss of data. Without a cybersecurity defense plan in place, you could suffer a crippling attack that leaves your organization without the means to protect customers’ information or to operate as normal. A successful cybersecurity plan will… (more) The Ultimate Manual for Cybersecurity in the Workplace

The Ultimate Guide To NIST Cybersecurity Framework Training & Certifications

If you are looking to get into the cybersecurity field, or you are already working in cybersecurity and want to further your career, then getting certified in the NIST Cybersecurity Framework is a great idea. In this blog post, we will discuss what the NIST Cybersecurity Framework is, why it is important, and how you… (more) The Ultimate Guide To NIST Cybersecurity Framework Training & Certifications

The Ultimate Guide to NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)

Today’s organizations must fulfill business requirements in the face of a complex and ever-changing cyber threat landscape. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) provides a common language for understanding cybersecurity risks across all industries. We’ll explore everything you need to know about the NIST Cybersecurity Framework and how you can apply it to improve your organization’s… (more) The Ultimate Guide to NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF)

The Ultimate Manual for Security Awareness Training for Employees

A successful security awareness training program offers numerous benefits for your employees. Such a program can help reduce cyber threats, prevent downtime, improve your reputation, and make employees aware of their role in protecting critical business assets. We outline everything you need to know about implementing a successful security awareness training program to reap these… (more) The Ultimate Manual for Security Awareness Training for Employees

The State of Offboarding Security For Remote Work

Employees are often granted access to sensitive company data, documents, and software. When an employee leaves an organization, offboarding processes serve as a way to protect the organization from intentional or accidental data breaches which can cost companies millions in revenue and reputational damages.  However, the coronavirus pandemic resulted in a rapid switch to a… (more) The State of Offboarding Security For Remote Work

The Ultimate Manual for Network Security Policy

Companies are increasingly relying on computer networks for carrying out day-to-day operations. While doing things over the internet has made processes more convenient and cost-effective, it also leaves companies more vulnerable to network security threats. Network attacks, in particular, can be devastating and can result in the loss of high-priority data and personal information of… (more) The Ultimate Manual for Network Security Policy

Bluetooth Security Vulnerability: The Ultimate Manual

Bluetooth seems like an innocuous technology for sharing files within a restricted Personal Area Network, usually covering 30 feet. However, many Bluetooth users don’t appreciate this technology’s risk. This guide covers why and how your Bluetooth-enabled devices may be vulnerable to attack. We also outline the steps you might take to protect your devices and… (more) Bluetooth Security Vulnerability: The Ultimate Manual

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira