Collaboration vs Cooperation and Why it Matters

Collaboration and cooperation don’t mean the same thing. Both words refer to aspects of working together with others, but there are key differences. Using them interchangeably can result in confusion and obscure team problems. To build a solid understanding of collaboration vs cooperation, I’ll define both terms, differentiate them, and then talk about why it… (more) Collaboration vs Cooperation and Why it Matters

The 5 Best Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software

Managing a healthcare facility (regardless of the size) can feel chaotic and unorganized, especially if you don’t have the right electronic medical records (EMR) software running behind the scenes. So, whether you’re starting a new practice or interested in switching to different software, it’s important to know what’s out there. With that said, choosing the… (more) The 5 Best Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Software

Incredible companies use Nira

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira