51 Biggest Document Leaks & Data Breaches of All Time

We’ve investigated the biggest document leaks and data breaches from the past five years. What did we learn? In over 100 document leaks and data breaches, we found two cases that affected companies most:  1. The breach revealed company trade secrets and information.  2. The breach exposed sensitive customer and consumer data.  According to IBM, data… (more) 51 Biggest Document Leaks & Data Breaches of All Time

GitHub Review

GitHub is a cloud-based service and website that enables developers to store and manage their code, as well as control and track changes made to it. The idea behind the software is to help the development teams write better code. Devs can use GitHub to create review processes aimed at improving the quality of the… (more) GitHub Review

Bitbucket vs. GitHub

A code repository is where bits of source code for software programs get archived systematically—the repository serves as a file archive and a web hosting facility at the same time. Bitbucket and GitHub are two of the most well-known code repositories on the market, but which is better? Our Recommendation = Get Bitbucket Both Bitbucket… (more) Bitbucket vs. GitHub

The Ultimate Manual to GitHub Codespaces

GitHub’s development platform is constantly evolving. As of August 2021, GitHub officially rolled out its browser-based coding environment—Codespaces. Whether you’re an existing GitHub user, new to GitHub, or using GitHub for business, this in-depth guide will explain everything you need to know about GitHub Codespaces. What is GitHub Codespaces Anyway? In short, GitHub Codespaces is… (more) The Ultimate Manual to GitHub Codespaces

Incredible companies use Nira

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira