The Ultimate Manual to Bitbucket Slack Integration

Bitbucket is a terrific Git repository management solution for hosting and collaborating on code. But despite Bitbucket’s handy collaboration features, many teams still rely on Slack as their central communication platform. As a result, you can quickly tire of switching between the platforms constantly. Or you may find vital communication in your Git platform getting… (more) The Ultimate Manual to Bitbucket Slack Integration

Bitbucket vs. GitLab

Bitbucket allows teams to plan projects, test, and deploy their code—it supports both Mercurial and Git, but not SVN. GitLab is a DevOps platform with built-in project management, source code management, CI/CD, and more. Which of them is the better option? Our Recommendation = Get Bitbucket While GitLab is a capable piece of software that… (more) Bitbucket vs. GitLab

Git vs. Bitbucket

Git is a distributed version control system that allows developers to track changes made to the source code during software development. Bitbucket is a web-based version control repository and a web hosting service for projects that use Git. But which one is better? Our Recommendation = Get Bitbucket As Git is solely a distributed version… (more) Git vs. Bitbucket

Malware Statistics

The earliest forms of malware have been around for decades. And, unfortunately, malware is still a major problem in the US and across the globe today. Malware attacks target individuals, businesses, and devices in every category. While the motivations of malware attacks may vary, there’s one common denominator for all of them—you don’t want malware… (more) Malware Statistics

Incredible companies use Nira

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira