The Ultimate Manual for Managing Teams and Organizations in GitHub

GitHub is the go-to platform for most distributed software development projects. But administrators may have difficulty managing access control and protecting sensitive code. GitHub Teams and Organizations make managing large and complex collaborative projects easier.   What are GitHub Teams and Organizations Anyway? Every Github user starts with a personal account. Here, you own the repositories… (more) The Ultimate Manual for Managing Teams and Organizations in GitHub

How to Install GitLab

GitLab is a version control system (VCS) used in software development. Installing the application will enable cross-team, agile software development with the added benefit of continuous logging so changes to your code don’t get lost. Below you’ll find the main steps to install GitLab. 1. Download the Official GitLab Omnibus Package It’s better to install… (more) How to Install GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira