Articles about G Suite

The Complete Guide To Securing Inbound Documents

Inbound documents are documents that are owned externally and shared with accounts at your company. More times than not, securing these documents is an afterthought because they are owned by other companies or external accounts. But this doesn’t make them any less risky. Oftentimes, these documents contain highly confidential company information, and they are not… (more) The Complete Guide To Securing Inbound Documents

The Complete Guide To Document Retention In Google Workspace

For Google Workspace users, document retention policies are key for keeping sensitive information secure and compliant. However, they usually must be implemented using an extra, paid service called Google Vault. We’ll go over these policies and how to create them using Google Vault.  In this article, we’ll explore: Why document retention policies matter How to… (more) The Complete Guide To Document Retention In Google Workspace

The Complete Guide To Shared Drive Access Levels In Google Workspace

Shared drives in Google Workspace can be confusing. What are the security risks? Who has access to your company’s shared drive? What permissions do they have, and how can you change these permissions to keep your company’s data safe? We’ll go over the security risks of using shared drives and give you a complete guide… (more) The Complete Guide To Shared Drive Access Levels In Google Workspace

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira