The Ultimate Manual for the Asana-GitLab Integration

Asana is a project management tool that helps individuals and businesses manage projects, create and track tasks, assign responsibility, and set timelines. GitLab is a DevOps software package that offers developers the ability to develop, secure, and operate software in a single application. When you integrate Asana and GitLab, your work can easily flow across… (more) The Ultimate Manual for the Asana-GitLab Integration

How to Migrate From Bitbucket to GitHub

GitHub is focused on public code and Bitbucket is meant for private code. That’s the most basic difference between the two code repositories. Also, being an open-source community, GitHub has a massive user base mostly comprising individual developers while Bitbucket has more enterprise and business users. While both are excellent platforms, many developers are increasingly… (more) How to Migrate From Bitbucket to GitHub

The Ultimate Manual to GitLab-Confluence Integration

Most developer teams have to reconcile using multiple software for projects as a fact of life. However, utilizing best-in-class tools for different project stages doesn’t have to be cumbersome. You’ll be happy to know that you can integrate GitLab and Confluence, so you don’t need to switch dashboards constantly.  What is a GitLab-Confluence Integration Anyway?… (more) The Ultimate Manual to GitLab-Confluence Integration

The State of Offboarding Security For Remote Work

Employees are often granted access to sensitive company data, documents, and software. When an employee leaves an organization, offboarding processes serve as a way to protect the organization from intentional or accidental data breaches which can cost companies millions in revenue and reputational damages.  However, the coronavirus pandemic resulted in a rapid switch to a… (more) The State of Offboarding Security For Remote Work

The Ultimate Manual for Trello-GitHub Integration

There are many developer tools designed to help you streamline your workflow. But switching between disparate software at different stages of your lifecycle can be tedious and confusing. Fortunately, Trello integrates with GitHub, so can always work on a unified platform. What is a Trello-GitHub Integration Anyway? Many software teams use GitHub as the preferred… (more) The Ultimate Manual for Trello-GitHub Integration

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira