The 5 Best Cloud Security Companies and How to Decide

Cloud security companies help their clients visualize and control the ever-expanding perimeter that comes with moving operations and intellectual property outside the traditional moat and castle. Patching together products from a mix of cloud security companies used to be the only solution for businesses with a complex, global IT infrastructure. To some degree, this is… (more) The 5 Best Cloud Security Companies and How to Decide

The Beginner’s Guide to Azure Security

Microsoft Azure is an integrated set of cloud services that allow companies to develop and deploy web applications at scale. Approximately 95% of Fortune 500 companies use Azure because of its power, reliability, and flexibility. Built on top of Microsoft’s world-class infrastructure and software, Azure supports virtually every language, many open-source technologies, and meets more… (more) The Beginner’s Guide to Azure Security

The 5 Best Construction Management Tools

There are many excellent construction management software tools out in the market right now. The best ones will come with a well suited ERP software that provides financial accounting and operational modules designed with construction management contractors in mind. Construction management software is usually a combination of applications that help contractors, engineers, project managers, and… (more) The 5 Best Construction Management Tools

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira