The Ultimate Manual to Jira GitHub Integration

Both Jira and GitHub are game-changing tools for developer teams. Jira works amazingly for tracking bugs and general agile project management, while GitHub is indispensable for structuring code and tackling common development problems. With integration, you can have the combined power of both platforms at your fingertips. If this sounds ideal, our guide covers everything… (more) The Ultimate Manual to Jira GitHub Integration

Hacking Statistics

Data privacy and cybersecurity are two of the hottest topics in the world right now. As we analyze trends in this space, it’s only natural that we look at how hackers impact our lives and safety online. After extensive research, I’ve found the most relevant and important hacking statistics that everyone needs to know. This… (more) Hacking Statistics

The Ultimate Manual to GitHub Student Developer Pack

The thought of getting $2,000 worth of materials is appealing to anyone. But this becomes even more tempting for students aiming to be developers. A majority of these students cannot afford the steep price tag associated with professional-grade software. Luckily, they can take advantage of something known as the GitHub Student Developer Pack that was… (more) The Ultimate Manual to GitHub Student Developer Pack

Bitbucket Review

Collaborative software development is hard. Team members may prefer different processes and methodologies. Similarly, data security, open and timely communication, transparency, and accountability can make it difficult for development teams to work effectively. These challenges are further aggravated by distributed software collaboration, where it is difficult and often impossible to get everyone working in the… (more) Bitbucket Review

How to Use GitHub

Writing code can be daunting, but with the right support and tools in your hands, it does get easier. Case in point: GitHub. GitHub brings coding experts and teams together in a single collaborative platform, where they can share ideas and methods to develop amazing software together. This Nira guide will give you a step-by-step… (more) How to Use GitHub

Incredible companies use Nira

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira