Data Access Control

Instantly map and manage access permissions across cloud applications. Maintain control from a central IT interface, or delegate access control to individual employees.

Nira works with

Mike Goddard
Nira gives people the freedom to share things in the ways that they need to, without sacrificing security.
Mike Goddard,
IT Engineer at HackerOne

Incredible companies use Nira

Nira’s no-code Data Access Control instantly maps every permission setting on Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, so admins can quickly search and filter for who can access their sensitive data. No more hunting within complex admin consoles or trying to run scripts.

Fully map data access permissions

  • Get a complete view of every type of permissions risk and how much exposure exists.
  • Instant visibility into every document with a public or company link and shared with personal accounts or outside domains.
  • Identify and drill-down into every internal and external account and domain that has access.

Non-technical employee security portal

  • Complete visibility and control of access to every document, folder, and shared drive owned by the employee.
  • Comprehensive capability to complete bulk and individual remediation actions in a few clicks.
  • Personal audit log of changes made by each employee that rolls up into an organization-wide administrative audit log.
Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira