How to Pass the G Suite Certification Exam on Your First Try

Here’s everything you need to ace the G Suite Certification exam on your first try. First, what is G suite certification? G Suite certification is part of the Google Cloud certification program. It verifies your expertise using G Suite’s productivity and collaboration tools. What does the exam cover? The Certification exam takes the form of… (more) How to Pass the G Suite Certification Exam on Your First Try

Dropbox Paper: Paper Tiger, or King of the Jungle?

On April 17, 2014, cloud-storage provider Dropbox announced it had acquired two companies. The first was photo-sharing service Loom. The second was collaborative document-editing tool Hackpad. Originally forked from the open-source Etherpad, Hackpad was a popular tool with a loyal following. As well as being a capable, lightweight document tool, Hackpad was also very popular… (more) Dropbox Paper: Paper Tiger, or King of the Jungle?

The 4 Essential Retrospective Questions That Can’t Be Skipped

When running agile retrospective meetings routinely, you might find yourself running out of prompts for helping your team to look back on a sprint or project with fresh eyes. Which they should, to draw objective conclusions from the sprint’s results. But a question that elicits thoughtful feedback one week might bring crickets the next. How… (more) The 4 Essential Retrospective Questions That Can’t Be Skipped

12 Required Retrospective Tools for Successful Teams

Running useful agile retrospectives on a routine basis is a lot like executing pool table trick-shots on the deck of a cruise ship in a tsunami—even with all the right preparation, things can go overboard quick! This is especially true for distributed teams. But if process improvement stagnates because you’re struggling to collaborate, how can you… (more) 12 Required Retrospective Tools for Successful Teams

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira