Articles about Data Security

The Ultimate Manual For CPS 234

In the last decade, we’ve experienced tremendous progress due to the internet, information security, and several other advancements that have made lives easier—and better. Unfortunately, this has also left our information more vulnerable to malicious agents. With newer cybercrime techniques popping up frequently, countries are rushing to introduce various data protection acts and standards to… (more) The Ultimate Manual For CPS 234

The Ultimate Manual For PCI DSS Certification

Hackers and other malicious attackers are getting more sophisticated by the day. Businesses that collect, store, and process credit card information are prime targets for malicious attacks to steal money. With the lack of clear direction from financial regulators, the card payment industry has taken it upon itself to ensure sensitive customer data is protected.… (more) The Ultimate Manual For PCI DSS Certification

The Ultimate Manual For Data Breaches

Data breaches are quickly becoming an everyday affair. Equifax, Yahoo, Facebook, Dubsmash, Marriott International, Zynga, and more have seen breaches happen to them. Millions—and sometimes even billions—of people are getting affected with their private data inadvertently showing up on the dark web. Hackers somehow manage to infiltrate websites, online stores, payment companies, and banks to… (more) The Ultimate Manual For Data Breaches

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira