Kanban vs Scrum: 6 Golden Rules to Help You Pick the Right One

Let’s settle the Kanban vs Scrum debate for good. There are tons of other project management methodologies out there, by the way. Have you wondered why these are the two so often confused with each other? Well, though the frameworks differ, the principles behind them are largely the same. Both are iterative work systems with roots in… (more) Kanban vs Scrum: 6 Golden Rules to Help You Pick the Right One

Dropbox Paper: Paper Tiger, or King of the Jungle?

On April 17, 2014, cloud-storage provider Dropbox announced it had acquired two companies. The first was photo-sharing service Loom. The second was collaborative document-editing tool Hackpad. Originally forked from the open-source Etherpad, Hackpad was a popular tool with a loyal following. As well as being a capable, lightweight document tool, Hackpad was also very popular… (more) Dropbox Paper: Paper Tiger, or King of the Jungle?

How an Anti-Growth Mentality Helped Basecamp Grow to Over 2 Million Customers

“How much is Basecamp worth? I don’t know, and I don’t care.” – Basecamp Founder & CEO, Jason Fried There’s a common roadmap for SaaS growth. Build a product that solves a need for your core audience. Raise venture dollars to build new products and features. Land and expand upmarket to the enterprise. Basecamp has… (more) How an Anti-Growth Mentality Helped Basecamp Grow to Over 2 Million Customers

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira