How to Audit Sensitive Documents for Access Risks

Who has access to your company’s confidential files? This question is becoming more and more relevant as companies turn to cloud collaboration tools like Google Workspace, Microsoft OneDrive, and SharePoint.  Data breaches caused by unauthorized access, what we call access risks, have risen at alarming rates as companies use collaboration tools to share files within… (more) How to Audit Sensitive Documents for Access Risks

The Complete Guide To Securing Inbound Documents

Inbound documents are documents that are owned externally and shared with accounts at your company. More times than not, securing these documents is an afterthought because they are owned by other companies or external accounts. But this doesn’t make them any less risky. Oftentimes, these documents contain highly confidential company information, and they are not… (more) The Complete Guide To Securing Inbound Documents

Over 45% of employees admit to taking documents from former employers

Ever since pivoting Nira into a cybersecurity company focused on document access control, my co-founder Hiten and I have been curious to learn more about how employees think about security. We’d seen plenty of surveys of IT teams, but we hadn’t seen a robust dataset about employee security practices. So we surveyed 311 people working… (more) Over 45% of employees admit to taking documents from former employers

Why Coda Believes The Future of Software is Documents and Makers

Behemoths Google and Microsoft dominate the document category, with G Suite and Office each used by millions of people, every day. Yet in spite of their dominance, new document apps keep launching with their own unique twists. Airtable is a reinvention of spreadsheets so people can make applications without writing a single line of code.… (more) Why Coda Believes The Future of Software is Documents and Makers

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira