How SurveyMonkey uses Nira

  • Nira helps SurveyMonkey’s IT team save significant time, freeing them up to be drivers of business value for the rest of the company.
  • With Nira, SurveyMonkey is able to implement security and compliance policies in an Enterprise environment, at scale.
  • SurveyMonkey now has full visibility into hidden risks and can instantly close potential issues and misconfigurations using Nira.
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Dan Cody
Being able to take actionable moves to decrease and close security gaps, or shut them down altogether, is what separates Nira from any other player in this industry right now.
Dan Cody,
VP of IT Infrastructure and Operations at SurveyMonkey

How HackerOne uses Nira

  • Through Nira, HackerOne discovers issues and gains visibility no other tool can provide.
  • HackerOne can quickly conduct third-party and employee offboarding tasks and transfer ownership.
  • Nira empowers employees to easily resolve security risks without taking up administrative time.
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Mike Goddard
Nira gives people the freedom to share things in the ways that they need to, without sacrificing security.
Mike Goddard,
IT Engineer at HackerOne

How EssenceMediacom uses Nira

  • Nira makes document security investigations four times more productive and successful for EssenceMediacom.
  • EssenceMediacom can safeguard shared drives with ease, with more visibility and control than ever before.
  • Bulk permission changes on upwards of a million documents are completed in hours using Nira.
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Colin McCarthy
Nira has given us more visibility into documents and access risks than we've ever had before.
Colin McCarthy,
Google Workspace and Productivity Tools Lead at EssenceMediacom

Incredible companies use Nira

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira