March 2024
Dark mode added
Dark mode has been added and can be toggled through the settings dropdown.
February 2024
Microsoft OneDrive and SharePoint integration added
Nira now supports OneDrive and SharePoint document assets, including those coming from Teams. Customers can see all documents in their Microsoft environment and can perform remediations of sharing permissions through Nira. Login support through Microsoft credentials is also now supported.
December 2023
Exports added in action history
Action history section now allows users to export all entries to a CSV.
November 2023
Add note for item owners added
Admins can now add a note for end users when sending out a request review (including access audits and archive exceptions audit). Adding a note helps provide end users with context when sending out a request review.
October 2023
Item history add-on
A new product SKU has been added to the Nira platform: Item history. Item history provides behavioral data to show exactly who did what, when. Events such as copy, download, view, and sharing behavior are included.
August 2023
Action history source filter added
A new source filter was added in the action history to allow filtering by manual vs automated actions taken in Nira.
June 2023
Item history add-on
Item history is now an add-on product to the Nira platform. Item history enables instant visibility into events and deep filtering capabilities. The feature enables thorough security and legal investigations.
May 2023
Exports capability added
With exports, customers are able to download a CSV of results that match any filter criteria selected in the Items area. Customers can now create exports by navigating to the Items area, selecting filter criteria, and then selecting all to download their criteria to CSV. There is also a new area within Settings where customers can manage exports.
New and improved navigation icons
We’ve updated the navigation icons and titles for the Nira sidebar. This change was made to allow for simpler and easier navigation in the Nira sidebar.
April 2023
Global Exclusions added
This feature enables customers to select filters in the Items area, and set up a global exclusion which will exclude results matching those filters from all future actions. For example, if a company does not want to take action on items owned by its CEO or an employee on a legal hold, they could exclude those from all actions and automations/security policies.
March 2023
Account Access Report added
A new report has been added to the reports section that allows customers to select any internal or external account and view an overview of that specific account’s documents and permissions. The Account Access report also allows customers to see potential matching accounts – like personal email accounts that belong to that user. Also, the matching org unit (if they are part of one) is also displayed in the report as well. This new report allows customers to get instant visibility during employee and vendor offboarding, as well as during investigations they are conducting.
Optional comment box added to all actions
Customers can now optionally add a comment when taking an action in Nira. For example, a comment can be used to reference an internal ticket or just simply adding a reason for why an action is being taken. Comments can be added from everywhere (i.e. watch feed, protect access, domains, from Slack workflows) except for Security Policies. Comments that have been added to actions also show up in the action history section details pane.
February 2023
Filter chip improvements and ability to deselect items
Customers can now deselect items in the Protect Access area before taking an action. Items that have been deselected are displayed as an exclusion in the identifier filter. Also, filter chips have been better grouped together once selected to make for a simplified filtering experience.
Shared Drive filter improvements
We improved the Shared Drive filter to provide even more visibility into shared drives. Customers can now see all shared drive items (drives, folders and documents), or see all items that are not part of shared drives.
To use the feature, customers can open the Shared drive filter, click “Browse shared drives,” and then select “All shared drives” at the top. They can also choose “is not” if they want to see everything that is in a user’s drive, but not in a shared drive.
January 2023
Security Policies
We added Security Policies as a new feature. They allow customers to quickly turn on automations to remediate access issues, as well as identify their existing security gaps in seconds. Customers can also modify policies to adjust them based on their company’s specific needs.
December 2022
Shared Drive Filters
We added shared drive filters after hearing feedback from our customers and prospects. This feature enables customers to take specific actions on only shared drives and their contents. For example, administrators can perform clean up on shared drive contents or instruct employees to perform an access audit to clean up drive contents as needed. Also the path of a document is also displayed in the details section showing the parent shared drive. This allows you to see which top level shared drive the document resides in.
Document Archiving
Archiving allows companies to secure access to stale documents to comply with company or department data retention policies. Archiving documents changes their ownership to a selected service account, removes all internal and external collaborator access – including the old owner/s, and closes any Company and Public links. There is also the ability for employees to set archiving exceptions using the Archive Exceptions Audit functionality.
November 2022
Exclusions Filters
We added exclusions after hearing feedback from customers who wanted to be able to exclude certain criteria from filter results and automations. For example, enabling an automation to close all Public links, except for those owned by the marketing organizational unit.
October 2022
A new reports area has been released with three reports available: an Overview Report, External Access Report and Stale Access Report. Everything in the reports area is clickable and will take you to the appropriate part of the UI. This area is where you’ll be able to see specific information and counts about the items, accounts and domains that have access.
Access audits
We’ve just shipped a much-requested feature to help with bi-annual and quarterly access reviews that get requested by auditors.
The new Access Audits feature allows employees to look over a set of items and their permissions and mark them as reviewed. They’ll also be able to make changes to permissions if they’d like, too. Admins can simply select the criteria using filters, click on Request Review, and select Access Audit in the confirmation modal. Audits can be sent to employees either by link or right in Slack. Admins will then be able to see who completed the audit right from the audit log.
New link types added
Nira provides visibility into externally owned items that were accessed by employees via an open link. We have a new link classification for these items called External.
If you’re using the Target audience feature in Google, you’ll now be able to see items that have these types of links.
When Google’s APIs don’t provide enough information about a link type, then it’s classified as an Unknown link. This is a rare case.
July 2022
Organizational units added
With the addition of the organizational units feature, customers can identify and remediate risk based on organizational units with access.
There are now two ways to filter by organizational units: org unit owner which allows admins to see documents owned by a specific department, and org unit which allows admins to see documents owned by or shared with a specific department.
Improvements to the settings area
The settings area, which houses settings for automations, apps, policies, and more, now has an improved look and feel.
Updates to the Slack workflows
Admins can now send a Slack reminder to Slack users who have not completed a request review action. This can be done through any request review log audit log entry.
June 2022
Slack request review workflows
Admins can now set up recurring (weekly, monthly, quarterly) audits through the Slack request review workflow to instantly notify users through Slack about items matching selected criteria that have been flagged for them to review and fix. Also, one-time audits can now be sent directly through Slack by selecting the criteria from the Protect access section and selecting the request review button.
May 2022
Improvements to error messaging
Error message copy has been improved and a new hover state added to the audit log section. These improvements will allow you to better understand why an action failed and the reason.
Improvements to document details pane
Bulk actions can now be taken in the document details page. On both the admin and employee portal of Nira, you can now take a bulk action to remove all selected accounts. Previously actions on this page were only able to be taken by clicking an individual … associated with an account.
Improvements to remove collaborator actions
Remove collaborator of a certain type is now available for Admins and the Employee Portal. This will now allow users to select one or more items and remove all personal, outside, external or internal accounts from them.
Settings page additions
Additional controls for Nira administrators added.
April 2022
Admin and employee portal UI enhancements
Additional filtering was added.
March 2022
Slackbot integration
A Slack integration has been added that allows Nira administrators to monitor Watch Feed and Security Feed updates directly in a channel within Slack. Administrators can take action to fix and automate Watch Feed and Security Feed items directly from the channel. They can also quickly get to the Nira UI to see more details.
Employee portal UI enhancements
Owner and email columns have been added to the Employee portal.
Improvements to audit log
A criteria section has been added to audit log entries for all new bulk actions taken. Additional audit log details were added for Custom actions and for other action-related audit log entries.
Employee portal
Employees can now login to Nira to manage and view the documents, folders and shared drives they own. They can take actions to clean up their documents, such as change link type, transfer ownership, add collaborator, remove collaborator, copy link or delete item.
Request review
Nira admins can now give employees specific guidance about what documents/folders/shared drives to clean up – in just a few clicks! Simply select the criteria using filters and click on request review. You’ll be able to send a link or an email to employees to review and fix the issues.
Improvements to Watch Feed and Security Feed
Enhancements have been made to the Watch Feed and Security Feed, including the ability to uncheck items that were previously checked. Unchecked items will show on the main page of your Watch Feed or Security Feed.
February 2022
New domain removal action added
Customers can now remove every account associated with an external domain from one or more documents based on the filters they’ve selected in the protect documents section.
January 2022
Settings Page and Audit Log Improvements
Additional 3 dot menu added to Settings->Automations. This enables customers to turn off or pause automations they’ve set up. Customers can click the … from the automations area, from there you can then disable or remove the automation.
Minor improvements to the audit log were shipped to make it more clear when jobs have been completed.
Filters and actions
A new filter has been added to the Domains area. Customers can now filter and see Internal Domains, or External Domains.
November 2021
Document retention
Document retention management features were added to enable customers to view and control documents that match their retention rules. Customers can now see and control items that were last modified or created a specific number of years ago (i.e. 3 years ago, 5 years ago, etc.). This lets customers take actions on these items, like deleting them or closing public links on them.
Users can also now filter documents by custom age and last modified date ranges. This allows customers to find and take action on documents that match specific age and last modified date range parameters.
Shared drives
Customers can now easily view all of their company’s shared drives and folders in Nira using the “Type” filter. This enables customers to see and control permissions on these critical items in just a few seconds. Shared drive and folder access is higher risk, since they often contain multiple documents, and permission from the drive and folder carry over to those documents.
Nira now displays when documents and items have multiple owners. For Google Workspace items, documents within shared drives will have multiple owners if the shared drive they are in has multiple managers. Multiple owners are visible right from the main Protect Documents view, without users needing to dig into an individual document’s details.
Filters and actions
Nira now provides customers with the ability to filter items by type. For example, customers can now filter to see items like pdfs, Excel files, images, and Word documents.
Customers can now filter documents and items that are accessible to specific personal email domains, like Gmail, Yahoo, etc. Customers are using this feature to see only documents and items associated with Yahoo accounts, for example.
Collaborators can be bulk-removed from as many documents and items as customers would like.
Additional measures to account for user inactivity have been added.
October 2021
UI improvements were added in October, including the ability for users to search for particular documents using document identifiers, find documents owned by specific domains, and exclude domains from the domain area (e.g. trusted domains). Additional detail listed below:
Improvements made to the watch feed to allow any item to be watched.
A domain owner filter was added when viewing documents from the protect documents section. This allows you to easily sort the documents by a specific domain owner.
A document identifier filter was added when viewing documents from the protect documents section. This allows you to easily input a document identifier from an external tool to view within Nira.
Exclude domains and document ownership filters were added in the domains access section. This allows you to exclude a domain(s) from view as well as filter by internal or external document ownership.
September 2021
Automations were added to Nira in September. With automations, users can have actions taken on their behalf to automatically remediate access issues. Automations are simple to set up from within the dashboard.
A watch feed was added in September. The watch feed enables users to select specific types of documents, accounts and domains to watch based on selected criteria.
August 2021
Actions feature updates were completed and shipped in August. These updates enable bulk actions on many items at once. Actions is a key feature that enables users to remediate access issues they find using Nira. There are currently seven different types of actions customers can take from the interface, like transfer ownership, remove access, and delete.
July 2021
The audit log, where information about what actions were taken by Nira users, was improved. It now includes even more details about what actions were taken by Nira users and when those actions were taken. The audit log can be found by clicking on the clipboard icon, and any audit log entry can be clicked to see more details.
Column resizing was added to the application. Users can now resize the column widths in the tables in any part of the application. A keyword filter was also added to the filters area to allow for searches by document title.
A dashboard and security feed were added. The security feed shows the most critical document access issues and allows users to see more information about the issues and take action on them.
Actions were updated so that users can make a bulk action by selecting all.
June 2021
In June we announced our new domain and brand, Nira. We pivoted from an enterprise search tool to become a real-time access control solution. Prior to this announcement, we were working closely with design partner customers to build Nira.
We added more robust views and filters within the application to see which accounts have access to individual documents and control their access.